Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Week 10 Results

A very successful week. Cousins came through and I was very happy with where the rest of my value picks landed.

Total Points: 146.76
Total Bet: $26
Total Won: 50 something dollars...


I was very happy to see that my guys came through. 146 would have put me in the money for any double up or 5050 on FanDuel. And because there was such a low ceiling I was in the top 5 for every entry I made. That's a good feeling.

My favorite picks were, of course, Cousins, who was destined to have a great game but was such a low value player it freed up a ton of cash for a high level pick like AP. I was a litte sore about Evans not getting more yards. They throw so deep to him but he's more likely to draw a penalty than come down with a catch. Reed was my second favorite pick, only because he was chosen purely for the amount he's targeted. Seeing him get that first touchdown within minutes of the game felt great.

Rams were my most disappointing choice. I hate spending the most money for a position when it doesn't play out. I strive to break even with Defense and they didn't do anything exciting.

I'm beginning to mold my strategy and it's starting to pay off; literally.

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